"Dig Deep" March 7th 2021

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my scripture message It's coming from Psalm 42:7 superintendent. Natalie read a few more verses of it. But I'm just going to read seven deep calling unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts all I waves and I Billows are going over me.

dig deep

No, I know you you're probably going to say oh, oh where you're going with this pastor. Don't let me start out by there's a critical need for clean drinking water.

And I'm talking specifically into the Bengal basin. Where are proper well?

Needs to be dug deep beyond the 240 ft. level you see the first level of the first aquifer. In that water contains coliform bacteria, we can't drink it or else we'll get sick. The second level II Aquaphor is filled with arsenic Trace water.

And the who the World Health Organization says clean water rest in the third Aquaphor.

that is deeper than 240 feet below the surface you see in order to get a safe drinking. Well, you have to drill deep you have to drill deep through through the first internet server. Aquifer.

Through the Deep clay.

my point is there are plenty of Wells everywhere. But no healthy water.

now you see the people don't go deep enough.

And when they do go deep enough, they don't put a ceiling like a horse to keep the contaminants out of the will.

Is he the government paid to have the wells down? but then corruption set in The contractors only dug the wells to 200 feet deep. The inferior will cause sickness and death to all who depended on these Wells.

And when you digging Wells. Denise to be someone Who says dig deep there needs to be someone that says dig deeper. I tell you there's needs to be someone that gives you the encouragement to continue to go deeper go deeper, but no one wants to take that.

CSU gold teeth you encounter obstacles.

You and talking rocks you encounter hard clay.

and as you go deep Maybe you don't understand that. I'm talking about you start to encounter.

You start you encounter tough situations. You start to encounter tough challenges. To take deep means you need more time to take deep Meacham or have to put more work into it to take deep anymore materials to take deep. It means more to give me Sports application.

Same Pastor. I know. I know. but there's that 3 little word 3 letter word that follows, but

You see us what the people we like things on the surface? Come on now.

Where is icing easy?

We like things that don't mess up our daily routine Deaconess. We don't like to work hard to get something quick and easy. That's how we want things.

Which brings me to mark 19 17 through 25? the Rich Young Man Who is sitting out on his journey he ran up and knelt before him and ask him good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life. And Jesus said to him. Why do you call me? Good? No one is good. Except God Alone. You know the Commandments do not murder do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Do not defraud honor your father honor your mother and he said to them. Said to him teacher all of these things. I have kept from my mouth from my youth. And Jesus looking at him loved him and said to him you lack one thing. Go sell all that you have give tell all that you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me.

Disheartened by the saying You Went Away sorrowful, and he had great possessions in Jesus looked around and said to his disciples how difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God. And the disciples were amazed at his words, but Jesus said to them again children how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.

Then for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. Is he saying the Rich Young Ruler? He wanted it quick. He wanted just to buy it. How much does it cost? You never thought there might be more to this than the shallow list of do's and don'ts. This man brought thought you could just scratch the surface to find Salvation. You thought all you had to throw in his a few bucks into the tithe and offering plate. You didn't realize you was going to take a whole lot more than this shallow commitment of saying Lord. What do you need from me?

I'm asking this church to dig deeper.

No, I don't know what this spirit in this church is today, but it's but I tell you that the fumes were filled last week, but I don't want you to be discouraged. That the Lord is walking with you. I believe it's time that we begin to look at God's work cheaper. I believe it's time that we begin to pray a little deeper.

Look, we ask that you pray on Friday night, but the weather is warming up and I want to start bringing the people back together in the church to pray we can do so at a safe distance.

But remember means more work.

Did you get your skills by just scratching the surface you had to dive deep into the books you had to dive deep into the Practical experience and that took time and that took materials. And that means that there's more of a cost and dedication to get the things done. You can't have a Jeep walk with God if you want to take it easy.

You can't have a deep walked with God. Without working for it. It's not going to work.

If you want a relationship with God that's going to help the people around you. deep calleth unto deep

if you're struggling with depression or worrier financial difficulties or tough relationships you're struggling with sin feeling you're going to be safe.

For God for help. He's just waiting for you to turn your heart to him. You want to close your walk with God?

Go cheaper with him. Don't settle for the run off of God. Now, you know what I'm talking about runoff, you know when it rains but the water follows the path of least resistance then settles in this little bit. What songs do in this little puddle. It's the straps. It's a twin exist in the mud run.

The runoff washer the water is where all the junk settles and the bacteria sets in. cholera epidemics start from this level of the well Can drink from the shallow well? When you want a deep walk with God. You will need to go deeper. Go deeper by reading your Bible to go deeper by praying Morse go deeper by making shirts are priority. Go Cheaper by making your commitment to God.

Scripture says deep calleth unto deep. Jesus is not shallow.

His commitment to you is not light-hearted his commitment to you. It was not cheap this commitment to you cost him something his commitment to you everything.

to punch through that superficial

don't settle

settle for that next exciting spiritual thing you seen on TV or that shallow spiritual experience. Raptor contaminated water runoff big deeper down into the ancient water

get down deep into the promises of your God. Go past the 250 foot level of the deep play. It may seem like there's nothing down there. It may seem like it's a whole lot of work, but keep thinking I'm telling you to keep digging lady. Telling you to keep singing sticking when his sing the song big day for her.

and once you find it Once you find it cap off. It's still that. Well, don't let it get cross-contaminated with the world.

Don't let after all that hard work. Roulette hard work of drilling and digging and studying and sharing with your brothers and sisters in Christ after all that hard work.

Don't find your well by being contaminated by the shallowness of the world.

Once you find the Deep experience with God, it's time to seal some things off. Don't let your past contaminate your future get into the Bible get into praying more lasting into timing properly get into inviting people to this church.

You see the churches are opening up. You see the vaccines are being delivered.

we have and continue to fight the good fight.

The people have been lost for a year. Now the people have been afraid to come to church for a year now. Now it's time to encourage people. The Resurrection Sunday is coming. This is an exciting time of the year. So it's exciting because we know the story.

The people are down people of low people need to be picked up people need to be encouraged.

Get out and spread the news.

How do you invite people?

It's good news.

Make Christ. your priority and you will see what it does to your life. You see the problems really are shallow problems, cuz those are problems of the Earth.

the core of Christ your savior It's what will see you through.

dig deep

dig deep God bless you all.

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